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Ben Akak Foundation Commences Work At The Borehole Drilling Site At Watt Market Calabar

Photo of workers at the drilling site

Ben Akak Foundation in line with her promise and benevolence to Cross Riverians has commenced the drilling of a borehole in Watt Market Calabar. This show of benevolence by the Ben Akak Foundation did not just come in mere words but has been backed up by prompt and immediate action. 

This is evidenced not just by the presence of materials for the work but also the presence of workmen who are committed to bringing to fulfilment the promises of the Foundation. 

It is common to find make promises but do not keep them and also abandoned projects everywhere in the nation today, but for the Ben Akak Foundation, the difference is clear as the foundation is poised to ensure her promises to the Capital Traders Asociation Watt Market, The Efut people, Calabar South Local Government Area and Cross River State at large are kept. 

Photo of workers

Photo of workers

Recall that the Muri Munene of Efut and the Paramount Ruler of Calabar South, Muri Munene Professor Itam Hogan Itam, accompanied by his cabinet member had on Saturday, 27th February, 2021 prayed and commissioned the project during the ground breaking and site taking ceremony.

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