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Security: Ayade Authorises The Profiling Of All Cyclist Operating In Ikom Local Government Area

In a bid to curb the security challenges associated with  Okada riders in Ikom LGA, Governor Ben Ayade, through the executive Chairman of Ikom Local Government Council, Hon. Kingsley Namgbe Egumi has directed all Okada riders and private motor cycle owners in Ikom LGA, to make available detailed personal information such as: Full name, residential address, place of origin, phone number, valid Identity  Card preferably NIN or voters ID, etc. to Ikom Local Government Council, as requirements for operating as a Cyclist in Ikom LGA. 

The Chairman stated this while presiding over a security meeting which also had the Nigerian police, the Army, Civil defense, the Road safety, Fire service, the DSS, Custom, etc. in attendance. According to the Chairman, all cyclist in Ikom LGA are required to obtain a safety jacket, stickers, for easy identification, and appeal to both commercial and private cyclist to abide by the direction in the interest of peace.

The interest of the governor of Cross River State, Sir Ben Ayade and the executive Chairman, Ikom Local Government Area Hon. Kingsley Namgbe Egumi is to ensure peace and safety of the residents of Ikom LGA, thereby ensuring that Cross River State in general enjoys peace even.

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