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2023: Arthur Jarvis Inaugurates Advocacy Group. Emphasizes On Human Capital Development

A People’s Democratic Party stalwart and frontline governorship aspirant for the 2023 election, Sir Arthur Jarvis Archibong, yesterday in Calabar Inaugurated an advocacy group for the realization of his governorship ambition.

The group, Fresh Air Cross River, according to him is to help mobilize like-minded Cross Riverians to key into the idea of restoring the lost glory of the state. 

The renowned educationist said although the task ahead was daunting, he was confident with the calibre of persons who have volunteered to bring about a breath of fresh air in the state. 

“I am very happy to be here today. As much as I know, the task ahead of us will be very challenging, it will not be an easy one, but what I can guarantee you all is that it will be surmounted. Let me assure you that we are working very hard and with you working together, our victory is sure” 

According to the renowned businessman, if elected as governor of the state, his main focus will be on human capital development. 

“for many years we spent time developing our environment and Urban cities including rural developments. But almost nothing was done about human capital development. So while we were busy developing our cities to attract investors and visitors. People came from outside the state with so much money and bought over our lands. Some people sold even up to the small inheritance that they had. 

There is no money in the hands of our people. So we had a situation where we found our state in the hands of mercenaries. And that is what we are coming to correct if we get the PDP ticket to run and God willing, we will. 

We must identify and create viable business platforms for our people to be empowered and self-sustaining”

Earlier, the Coordinator of the group, Engr. Edwin Bassey, while welcoming members of the group appreciated them for their willingness to commit to the vision and assured that with God on their side, Sir Arthur Jarvis will emerge flag bearer of the PDP in the state and then go ahead to win the governorship election come 2023. 

He called on all Cross Riverians to rise and key into the Fresh Air ideology, emphasizing that it is a vision for Cross Riverians and everyone resident in the state. 

Also speaking, one of the leaders of the group, Comrade John Odu explained that the purpose of the group was to serve as a solid platform to promote the Fresh Air ideology as the 2023 election approaches. 

He said the Fresh Air ideology was for all Cross Riverians to key in so that the Cross River State of our dream can be made a reality.

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