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New Year: We MUST Make 2022 Greater And Positively Different In Our History As A Nation - Senator Gershom Bassey

Senator Gershom Bassey

Nigerians and Cross Riverians, we have a lot to be thankful for in 2021, and much more to look forward to in 2022. I thank all Cross Riverians and Nigerians for the honor and privilege to serve you as a Senator. You have shown me love and affection. You challenged my ideas, actions, and inactions, thereby, giving me new ideas and directions. For all of this, I am humbled and sincerely thankful.

The year 2021 was full of memorable events in our lives as an individual and collectively as a nation. I know as much as you do that our nation is passing through tough challenging times socially, politically, and economically. 

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The insecurity and economic instability of our dear nation in the last year have threatened our national unity and heightened our worries and concerns. There has been a serious awakening among Nigerians in the state of the polity than ever before. With no doubt, this has taken us many steps ahead of our fortune as a nation. Having come this far, I strongly believe the darkest hour of the night is behind us and the dawn is just about to break off.

As Nigerians our unique strengths and characters to overcome our challenges collectively have never been in doubt, what we need now more than ever is to galvanize these unique qualities for the good of all as permissible under a democratic setup.

As a Distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic representing Cross River South, I have been privileged to interact with youths, women, men, artisans, professionals, and non-professionals alike whom we shared our hopes and desires for our state and country, Nigeria, and to this end, it has been delightful, I must confess. 

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With more to come in this new year, there is a need to put all machinery in motion to reduce the unemployment rate by aiding our teeming youth into public, private enterprises and to be self-sustained.

I hereby wish to hold firm to my key purpose in government which is to humbly serve the masses whom I derived authority from. I urge you all this New Year to make peace, unity, and love your New Year resolution to move this nation forward because the challenges ahead are much, but it is nonetheless surmountable with an enthusiastic spirit by us all. 

I hope for your continued support to carry on the good works you have associated yourself with.

I urge every Cross Riverian and Nigerians, in general, to remain on course with our reforms, be optimistic in our steady march towards the making of the Cross River of our dream. We MUST make 2022 greater and positively different in our history as a nation.

My commitment in this new year is to help ensure that Cross River State will rise again and that the hopes of all Cross Riverians become a reality.

The National Assembly in the New Year would be more diligent in its oversight functions to ensure that ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) comply with the Appropriation Act.

On behalf of myself and my family, I wish you all a prosperous new year.

May God Bless Nigeria

Long Live Cross River,

Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Senator Gershom Bassey

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