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CRS Stands Still As PDP Campaign flag-off Rally Takes Place In Calabar

The City of Calabar metropolis stands still with massive supporters who colorfully came out to Flag off campaign for the Ogoja/Yala Federal House of Representatives and Akpabuyo State Constituency bye-elections despite the early attempt of Governor Ben Ayade and security Agencies to stop the event which proved abortive. 

While applauding the people of Cross River State for their commitment to the PDP and coming out en mass to show solidarity for the Flag-off campaigns, Gov Nyesom Wike, Governor of River State who led other members of the National working committee said “The fear of PDP victory has caused those without numbers and followers attempt to disrupt the flag-off campaign, but thank God for the will of the people over the few who are panicking for the victory of PDP ahead.” Gov Wike urged every member to get registered and open their PVC as the only weapon against Police and APC intimidation. Gov Wike also promised to support the state with all the resources available to win the Bye-election. 

The event was attended by the CRS Leader of the Party, Sen. Liyel Imoke, State PDP Chairman, Barr. Vena Ikem and his Executive, Sen. Gershom Bassey and his mammoth supporters, members of the National Assembly, 2023 Gubernatorial Aspirants, PDP Chieftains and stakeholders, teaming supporters and fans 

The event witnessed the official handing of the PDP flags to Hon. Mike Usibe for the Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency bye election and Dr Ekeng Edet for the Akpabuyo State Constituency bye election respectively by Gov. Wike who stood in for the National Chairman.

#SGB media 

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