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We too have loved before - Victoria Kalu

Photo of couple

By Victoria Kalu

The clearest pictures are those captured by the eye

For even a blinded man can feel the texture of its beauty;

And if you know me, you'd know I have good sight

This is me staring at those nippy heels on your chest

Quietly placing my eyes on each tip as it dangles;

Up down - up down to the extremes of freedom.

I man no superhuman, but I see beyond the riddles

Beyond the fitted streams on your aisles

When I stare, I scan the wear on your skin

From the center to the ends of your routes

I follow the line demarcating your shelves.

I have known no braid like yours

And I have seen no smiles like yours

Your soap is kindly blessed with warmth

And your towel emancipated of boredom.

This is where the most beautiful creature lives

Here where the sun mingles on skins;

This is where you'll find us loosely watching;

Quietly placing my eyes on each tip as it dangles;

Up down - up down to the extremes of freedom

This is how you know we too have loved before.

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