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7 Ways To Attract A Good Man

Photo of a man looking at a lady

By Miracle Ifeanyi

I read a story about a lady that touched my heart. The post was so emotional. That post inspired this article.

The lady said that it gives her concern that she is yet to settle down in marriage at her age. Those words are touching and it takes a courageous lady to make such a statement.

Just like this courageous lady, many ladies out there sincerely desire to settle down, they want a man that they can call their own. They want a man that will love and care for them. A lot of ladies have this desire but, hardly express it for fear of being termed desperate or being used and exploited by guys. There is nothing wrong with this desire. Don't feel bad about it and don't allow anyone to shame you because of it.

So, what I intend to do in this article is to show you ways you can attract a good and responsible man without appearing desperate. I will be using the advice that Naomi gave Ruth, her daughter in law that made her attract and marry Boaz, a godly and wealthy man. You will find this advice in the book of Ruth 3, But, my emphasis will be on verses 3 and 11.

Let me start by saying that, it is not your job to look for a husband as a lady, it's a man's duty. The reason is that only a few men appreciate ladies that throw themselves at them. This will help keep you from being exploited, devalued and cheapened.

A man is a hunter and he values what he got by some effort and sweat (Prov 18:22). Your own is to position yourself to attract a husband and also to be found.

So, how do you attract a good and responsible man without appearing being desperate?

1. Wash Yourself:

I'm sorry to say this, but, I'm going to be blunt, a lot of ladies are dirty; clothes, body, everything is just dirty. No sane man will have anything to do with a dirty lady. Don't be surprised if I tell you that, dirtiness has pushed many guys away from many ladies. Dirtiness pisses one-off.

So, wash and stay clean. In other words, be neat. Neatness is attractive. And because of how God fashioned your body as a lady, you shouldn't be joking about being neat. Wash and be neat.

2. Wear a Perfume:

A lot of Christian ladies are at this table. 

Many of them think that body spray, deodorant, roll-on, perfume, etc., are sinful.

Listen, applying the above-mentioned stuff is not a sin Christian lady.

You will keep going from one prayer house to another, fasting and praying, crying for God to give you a husband if this is not taken care of.

Do you want to kill someone? God won't even allow it. Are you a member of the odour of Niger? 

So, my sister, perfume yourself, that is, smell good. Body odour doesn't give glory to God. I'm not insulting anyone, what I'm saying is that you should smell good.

3. Dress Well:

Again, many of the ladies are at this table.

Many ladies in their 20s are fund of dressing like an old woman in her late 60s, many of them wear clothes that are doing environmental sanitation as they walk along the road. 

Dear sister, dress well. Look good. Your dressing speaks volumes. It can make you look smart, young or old.

No man wants to marry or get attracted to an old woman. Stop dressing like an old woman if you are young. Dress smartly. In short, look good. It's attractive.

Stop tying scarf every time, your hair will begin to smell.

Plait your hair and let air penetrate your hair.

From head to toe, just look good.

Men are attracted by many things, including your hair, dress, etc.

4. Be Visible:

Many ladies want to marry but they hide in the secret place of their rooms.

You want to marry but, you do not attend church activities or other social functions. Even when they go, they quickly disappear at dismissal. They do not attend weddings, seminars, and other gatherings where they can be seen.

Don't worry my sister, Angel Michael will send you a husband through heavenly DHL. 

Brothers of Jesus told him one day that, a man that wants to be a public figure doesn't hide in the secret, therefore they advised him to show Himself to the world. (John 7:4).

My sister, show yourself to the world. Stop hiding.

Position yourself to be found.

5. Be a Good Girl:

Boaz told Ruth in verse 11 that, everyone knows that you are a virtuous woman, in other words, a good girl.

So, my sister what are people saying about you. Be a good girl.

Work on your character.

Character is always the beauty of a woman. Beauty without character is like a gold ring in a swine pit.

Character attracts a husband to you more than anything else. If you like bath 5 times a day, empty a bottle of perfume on your body, wear your Christmas dress but if you don't have character, "my sister forget, all na wash."

So, in all your neatness, good smell and nice dress, add character to it.

Tell yourself the truth about your bad characters and stop saying that men should accept you the way you are, you fit do am? 

Good character can make others recommend you to others. Good character can open doors for you not just the door of marriage.

6. Be Approachable

Many ladies build a hedge of fire around themselves and the wall of Jerusalem and yet they still expect men to come close,

Sister how? 

Remove every obstacle and obstruction. Dismantle the hedge of fire and the walls of Jerusalem around you.

Stop frowning your face, who offend you? 

Put a smile on your face, it's a sign of welcome to guys. Smile is attractive. Always smile. 

7. Pray About It:

The Bible says that you shouldn't be worried about anything but rather you should pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6-7)

So, pray about it ladies. God will grant you the desire of your heart. Ask and you shall find. He will grant your heart desire.

God is a loving and caring father and no father wants his daughter to marry a bad man. Pray and tell God to send you a good husband.

So, here you have 7 ways you can attract a good husband to your life, my dear ladies.

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