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Behind The Smokescreen Of Central Cross River APC Alliance


Sen. John Owan Enoh

By Christopher Ndoma

As we watch the emerging alliance in Central Cross River APC , demonstrated through a series of meetings  being organised,  it is necessary  to look behind the veil of these pretensions. 

Before the rise to power of Gov. Ayade , Sen. John Owan Enoh,  the mastermind of this new alliance  sang a totally different narrative.  Then he preached the omnipotence of a governor and how advisable it is for everyone to accept whatever comes out from him, whether right or wrong.  At that time he was the greatest  beneficiary of that narrative  as he continously suppressed the numerically superior Obubra. There was nothing wrong  in Gov. Imoke imposing all Councillors , Chairmen of Councils , State Assembly,  House of Reps. and Senate members . At that time in question his tickets were given secured assurance two years to any election.  Today , Gov. Ayade's  greatest crime is daring to declare support for a Southern governorship candidate. 

One is bound to ask  what exactly Central APC is forming an alliance for , if not to resurect the dead political  fortunes of a few individuals who have built riches over the ashes of the people's  poverty.  Does that alliance include Obubra which Sen. Owan Enoh has systematically decimated its political , economic  and social development? 

The end of that alliance  will  come the day Sen. Owan Enoh is not supported to fly the APC gubernatorial ticket. For him he was born for everyone to serve him. He is never made to serve others. 

The State has come to see through Sen. Owan Enoh's pretence of a liberal politician hitherto concealed by his deceptive and innocent mien. The people now know that you are an expert on dishing hand outs , leaving your friends impoverished and even worse off and even taking what belongs to the people  for self and for gaining power at all cost. 

We must also ask if the interest of that alliance includes your community  that you couldn't provide a road in this modern world .

The Okoi Obono - Obla you deride,  Usani Usani you deride and call a murderer ,Chief Clement Ebri you despise  and Sen. Victor Ndoma - Egba you have contempt for must come into an alliance to revive your finished political adventure.  The innumerable individuals you have used and dumped are those you are rallying today to serve your selfish interest.

Be reminded that that the  State has since moved . You cannot continue fooling the people all the time.  If you can despise Gove. Imoke who singly sustained you in politics and took you to unimaginable heights , there is absolutely nothing you cannot do to cling on to power , including forming alliances like the one under way.

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