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The Integrity Of The Word Of God - Apostle Ikechukwu

The Bible

When you go to the presence of God, set your mind to receive the message God Has sent via his servant and take it personal. One of the basic things that makes us to lose out on blessings is pride. When you are rebellious towards God's instruction, you ignorantly do away with the the supposed blessings sent from God through his servant. Most of the times when things starts detoriating, it may not really be as a result of the the devil's attack but your Inability to align with the moving of the holy spirit.

Text: Gen 1:1, 2:18, Hebrew 9:1, Ezekiel 37, Isaiah 55 :11, proverbs 18:20-21, Mark 11:23

God can personally bring a man down due to his pride. The word of God makes us understand that God resists the proud and give grace to the humble. Pride has a way of pushing you far from your blessings. Most of the times we need to check our lives and make sure that we haven't allowed pride becloud our sense of reasoning .Naaman was a perfect example of a man who almost allowed pride aggravate his sickness into death but not for the intervention of the little servant who convinced him.

We are in a time where everything has failed; politics, money and businesses have failed and the only thing left is our relationship with God, because He is the only one that can never fails. so, if you are despised by God Himself, who would you run to?. In Gen chapter 1:2-19, God gave adam the prerogative of naming living and non living things. The holy scripture said and whatever he named them, so it was. Everything can be controlled by the mouth of a man. If you must be a talkative,be a talkative of the word of God.we have magnified our problems by not challenging our challengers.

The original plan of God is that while God handles the heaven, man would take charge of the earth and these men are strictly His children. So when

 you don’t know your place as a child of God, you would be ruled over. That was why God created man in His own Image. God never named the Animals but instead allowed Adam who was a man dominating the earth to exercise his dominance. You can never dominate when you don’t have the characteristics of God the creator. God created everything with His mouth and He thought it wise to allow Adam walk in the same path, being that we were made in his image (look like Him) and likeness (acts like Him).

In the book of Ezekiel chapter 37, God also made Ezekiel to exercise the power in His mouth. This is applicable to us as humans and the extend to which we can demonstrate dominance and power over every challenges sorrounding us.

God has never lost any Battle. He conquers every challenges before Him. Being made in His image and likenes, Same vigor should be exercised through us. Once you believe that your mouth is effective, it will always work for you. In the book of Isaiah chapter 5: 1, Isaiah believed that his words do not fall to the ground and it worked so many times, even in the proclamation of the birth of Jesus Christ 400 years before time. Jesus confirmed this Himself in the book of Luke 21:15 that He has given us a mouth in which our enemies cannot oppose. Everything God needs to do in a man is inside than man. In the midst of the abilities inherently birthed inside of a man, He still needs a higher hand to bring it into materialisation.

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