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Gershom And Liyel made Donald But He's Known For One Thing Afterwards

There is Little or nothing to worry about Donald Etim Duke's wicked plot against one of the good Men who contributed to who he is today.

The Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP) isn't exclusively owned by the Southern Central District Elders or Chief, and whereas they were never asked to call any meeting to resolve who becomes the Party's Consensus Gubernatorial Candidate by the Party's Leadership in the State, what the plotter did, died before the plot was plotted.

You can't be talking about Consensus in the South alone when another Man is strongly pushing to become the Party's Gubernatorial Candidate from the Central, what do you do about that?

Isn't it glaring that DD was conscripted back to PDP for this hatchet man's role against the South and SGB?

 He is even using his office as *"hired BOT Member"* to not just bring the weakest Aspirant from the South to stand for the 23rd PDP Gubernatorial Primary Election, so that his defacto pay master can easily ride over Sir Arthur Jarvis, but what people don't seem to understand about the plotter is that he also want to use the Back to South Campaign to have schemed the Central out and make PDP to suffer defeat in the hands of the APC if his son-in-law would have been their flag bearer. You will need to have political four eyes to picture all of this and see deep.

If DD got this plot right, he would have been saying I have done well over torts of Champagne his favorite fresh fish pepper soup or dog and plantain, but no one can play God. I am sure he's now placing ice block on his head saying Sen. Gershom Bassey is still more intelligent, smarter and brilliant...

You see this PDP, na all of us follow getam o, and na all of go follow decide Who go carry the flag of our Party as Govo come 23rd May 2022.

This is not new to ardent Party men like us who still have memories of all he did to stop one of his friends; H.E. Sen. Liyel Imoke (CON) from being Governor of CRS, so just like the result of that his plots which he still continued after Imoke took the center stage, this one won't be different. He is failure personified.

I can inform you for free that one of Sen. Gershom Bassey' achievements in politics is H.E. Donald Etim Duke who has chosen to be a failure to himself because he is a political trader and serial betrayer with no value for friendship.

Note: God has positioned Sen. Gershom Bassey to paint the future of Cross River State as GOVERNOR and no Man can stop this.


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