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Rt. Hon. Essien Ayi Is Unfit To Represent Calabar South, Akpabuyo And Bakassi Federal Constituency - Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey

By Beatrice Akpala

The Deputy Speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly and the All Progressives Congress (APC), House of Representatives candidate for the Calabar South, Akpabuyo and Bakassi Federal Constituency in the 2023 general elections, Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey has asserted that Rt. Hon. Essien Ayi is unfit to further represent the people of the area in the Federal House of Representatives.

Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey said this while interacting with his constituents in Akpabuyo during his homecoming visit to Akpabuyo Local Government Area which was equally very well attended by stakeholders from all the nooks and cranny of Akpabuyo.

He noted with dismay the highly unacceptable and very condemnable situation where one individual intends to perpetually remain in power even when he is physically and medically unfit to continue as the people's representative.

The Deputy Speaker specifically singled out Rt. Hon. Essien Ayi for replacement at the National Assembly as he has been the people's representative for upward of 20 years with no tangible results to show, unarguably, one of the longest durations of anybody in the National Assembly from Cross River State since the commencement of the present political dispensation on May 29, 1999.

He noted with incredible glee that he would defeat Rt. Hon. Ayi as early as 10.30 am on the day of elections, also added that anything that has a beginning must have an end and called on all Akpabuyo sons and daughters to support his aspirations as he stands for the common good of the people. 

Rt.Hon. Bassey said that only the best is good for the federal constituency, asserting that as things stand, Rt. Hon. Essien Ayi cannot ably represent himself and talk less of representing the people. He further called for cohesiveness in Akpabuyo politics as it was in the past, asking the electorates to defend their votes and political franchise. He equally asked the people to stand firm for the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) both at the state and the federal levels.

   Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey was emphatic that his homecoming to his very beloved Akpabuyo Local Government Area was not in vain as he will further improve the political fortunes of the area. He informed the people that he has great and realizable plans for the people, promising that in his first 2 years in office, he would ensure that more than 100 persons are greatly empowered to improve their standard of living.

    Also speaking at the event, the former Commissioner for Finance and the All Progressives Congress (APC) senatorial hopeful in the coming elections, Hon. Asuquo Ekpenyong Jnr drew attention to the highly commendable and equally unassailable political credentials of Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey, whom he noted, is the best material for the present job of political representation. He said that Rt. Hon. Bassey has served the people in his capacity as a councillor and later as a member of the Cross River State House of Assembly from where he grew to become the present Deputy Speaker with no blemish.

    Hon. Asuquo Ekpenyong also praised the candidature of the APC presidential flag bearer, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, whom he said, will bring political and economic succour to Nigerians. He assured the people of the area that anything that would be due to Akpabuyo will be given to it in the next political dispensation, noting that Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey has never failed before and will equally not fail this time.

    In a political contest, he noted, there is bound to be a winner and a loser, the winner, he noted, is already Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey. In a gesture reminiscent of a fine working political relationship, he unveiled 

Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey is the very next Federal House of Representatives member from the area, who will be representing Calabar South, Akpabuyo and Bakassi Federal Constituency.

Earlier in a remark, while welcoming Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey and his team to Akpabuyo, an APC  stakeholder, Sir Maurice Effiwat, praised the candidature of the APC gubernatorial candidate, Senator (Prince) Bassey Edet Otu, and called for the high level of cooperation that has distinguished Akpabuyo politics over time. He harped on the virtues of sincerity and brotherliness, noting that Akpabuyo is 100% APC compliant and is very ready for the elections.

In his opening remarks, the Chapter Chairman, Pastor Henry Ekpenyong Edem, assured the 2 candidates of the APC that their smooth sail to the Senate and Federal House of Representatives is sealed in Akpabuyo as their votes will be cast for the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC).

In the same vein, the State House of Assembly candidate of the APC, Hon. Effiong Bassey Effiong said that Akpabuyo will approach the coming elections with all levels of seriousness, noting that it is the stronghold of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and will remain so in the coming years.

The homecoming tour ended with commendations and words of encouragement from the Sons and Daughters of Akpabuyo Local Government Area who pledged their unflinching support and Solidarity to the Rt. Hon. Joseph Bassey's Dragon Movement. 

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