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Tithers Make God Build A House For Them - Rev. Joseph Ajor (Ph.D)

Rev. Joseph Ajor (Ph.D)

Text: mal 3:10, Nehemiah 13; hag 1:2, Psalm 127:

Giving tithe and offering is a way of planting a seed in God. When one invests in God, it is an act of invoking God’s blessing. When we sow something beautiful, we tend to reap something beautiful (Gal 6:7).  When you withhold whatsoever you have, you are simply withholding from God. When you give to God through tithing and offerings, He guarantees you and your properties. Those who do not pay their tithes are forgetful and ungrateful because their act interprets a forgetful and ungrateful response to the goodness of God.  God created a seed, and a seed in our hands is our tithe and offering. There is a reproductive power in every seed sown in God. The type of seed we sow determines what we reap (2 Cor. 9:6). In order to sow bountifully in God, believers are encouraged to sow in line with the following nuggets from the word;

Plant something ( Malachi 3:10) 

Plant in a good soil (Mathew: 10:18) 

Plant with faith ( Galatians 6:7); When you sow in God there is a period of maturation; when you plant, wait on God. 

Tithes and offerings are an investment in the miracle power of God. Learn to thank God in whatever position you find yourself, do not wait for a higher level. Do not consume every resource you have, remember always that there are different seasons in life. 

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