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Atiku - 2023: PDP Will Restore This Country To Where It Was And We Will Recover Nigeria – Senator Gershom Bassey

Senator Gershom Bassey

By Oluchi Omai

The Senator representing the Cross River State Southern Senatorial District and CRS Chairman of the PDP Presidential Campaign Council, Senator Gershom Bassey has revealed that the People’s Democratic Party, PDP will restore Nigeria to where it was and recover it.

Speaking at a PDP Presidential Campaign Council Statewide Townhall meeting in Biase on Thursday, the distinguished Senator said that the 2023 election is pivotal because of the current situation of the country.

“You will all agree that the next election which is next month is pivotal in this country. The reason it is a pivotal election is because of the situation that we have found ourselves in the country today.” He said.

He further revealed that what he has experienced in the Senate under the APC executive led by President Muhammadu Buhari is not good and that the impact is felt by Nigerians at all levels, from the increase in prices of goods and services to the cost of transportation which he said has put the country in a mess.

He said “What I have seen in the Senate as a member of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria working with the APC executive led by our president, the outcomes are not good.  And that is why we have the impact on us at all levels in this country, the price of everything has gone up including transportation.”  

Adding that “Things are not the same as it was in 2015. Things are bad, the country is in a mess, and even tax has gone up. VAT has gone up as well as income tax, so the country is in a mess.”

The distinguished senator also expressed displeasure at the poverty level of the country as rated by the world bank, stating that this negatively impacts the good people of Nigeria and is one of the reasons the town hall meeting was a necessity.

Senator Gershom Bassey also said that the positive changes can be effected is through the ballot box. He stressed that voting the right person into the office of the president will also have a positive impact on the states and admonished electorates to vote for the presidential candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar.

“Today the world bank says that Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world. What does that mean? It means that there are more poor people in Nigeria than anywhere in the world. Even Afghanistan does not have the kind of poor people that we have in Nigeria. Nigeria is in a mess and that is why we have come to talk to you about the 2023 Election.”

“We are operating a constitutional democracy in Nigeria, the only way to effect change is through the ballot box, that’s the only way. And you and I and all our brothers have the power to change this government at the federal level particularly you see what they do at the federal level directly affects what happens at the state. That is why PDP is bringing you a solution which is Atiku.”

“PDP will restore this country to where it was and we will recover Nigeria.” He added.

Present at the town hall meeting were the Team leader His Excellency, Sen. Liyel Imoke, DDG Operations of Atiku/Okowa PCC, the CRS Chairman and Director General of PCC, Dist. Sen. Gershom Bassey and Rt. Hon. Obeten Okorn and Biase Traditional Rulers Council under the Crown of HRM, Onun, Nicholas Odum, (the ONUN 1 of Biase).

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