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I Wish To Collaborate With Olamide - Fast Rising Artist, Ovat Obaji Robert (Newborn) Speaks As He Releases Another Hit Track - The Mission

Ovat Obaji Robert, a.k.a Newborn

Cross River State fast rising musical sensation, Ovat Obaji Robert, popularly known as Newborn, is one of those artists who has remained consistent when it comes to filling our ears with beautiful tunes and just recently, he released another 'hit track' Album title - "The Mission, Song title - Best, hustle go pay, target."

With everyday that passes, the music industry seems to bubble up amazing artists from the underground, who effortlessly thrill us with fresh sounds. That new wave you thought was hit a few hours ago may be old news by now, that’s the reality of the music business these days, and in the age of social media, there’s so much more to pay expect.

During an exclusive interview with our correspondent, the Obubra born tells us more interesting facts about himself, his journey to the music industry, his latest debut and what we should be expecting next…

Tell us about the latest song trending everywhere... I mean everyone seems to be playing this song, both in media houses, taxi drivers, on phones etc. 

It's a song everyone listening to me right now should listen to. You can testify to that right, it has got a lot of messages and I hope the guys on the streets, the elites, middle class listen and learn from them.

How did you realise you were made for music and how long has music been part of your life?

"My first record was in 2014 since then I haven't rested. I knew I was made for this at a tender age, started music when I was growing up even though my family never knew who I was nor considered music as something serious to venture in because we are handicapped financially. But I kept developing and working on myself against all odds since it's my life and I understand what I want better".

How do you get your inspiration? What's your creative process like?


"Sometimes depending on what I am doing at that moment, but what inspires me more is the situation of my family. I believe anybody can make it if they discover themselves irrespective of the background they come from.

Which of the musicians inspires you?

"A whole lot of them but most especially 2Baba, Timaya, M.i, Wizkid, Danfo drivers. Their early songs and humble beginnings make me have this belief that I can rise from nothing to something"

How do you think the internet/social media has affected the music industry?

"In our days, without the internet, you can't go anywhere, it has made it so fast and easy for music to travel. With the internet, your songs can be heard anywhere in the world"

If you could change anything about the music industry, what will that be?

"Create a way that I can relate to the upcoming artist cos they have a lot to offer"

What would you have been doing right now, if you didn't become a musician?

"Laughs. I can't imagine myself doing something else other than music. Maybe I'd probably be doing nothing or well…l"

Which is the best song you've released and why?

"Guess I'll leave that to the listeners. They are my judges but to me, every song is a good song and I see myself doing better than the previous "

Which musician do you wish to or should we be expecting a collaboration with?

"Timaya, 2face, Olamide, etc."            

What are the challenges you've encountered as an artist coming from this part of the world?

The challenge of getting sponsors, I have been using my money to push myself. I'm hoping to be signed into a recording label soon.

What should we expect next from our Cruise King?? A show, collabo or back-to-back hits? 

Back-to-back hits. 

One message for your fans and upcoming

"The music industry is not a funfair. Expect more ups and downs but never give up on your dreams no matter what".

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