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How To Respond To The Unfailing Love Of God – Rev. Innocent Nwobiri

Rev. Innocent Nwobiri - Senior Pastor, Upper Room Cathedral

The unfailing love of God is that love that doesn’t fail. He is reliable, his love towards us does not change regardless of time. It is boundless.

As believers, we must learn and yearn to respond to the love of God.

Love not reciprocated can destroy your work with God. The Love of God does not fail but must be responded to.

Love in itself is a strong force. Like the book of Songs of Solomon 8:7 described, it is stronger than fire, many waters cannot quench love. This should be the same with our love for God. People do crazy things for the sake of what they love, how much more God who is called love and the author of love. What are you doing for His love? God has a special place in his heart for our love. He appreciates it more than your money. If God can have your love, he can have your entire being. It might not be perfect, but he appreciates it. Do you love Him?

Jesus asked Peter in John chapter 21 verse 15

If you love the Lord, what is the prove that you love Him? It must go beyond words to action. He asked Peter the same question three (3) times.

Love must not just be in words; it must be in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18) you must show working.

Whatever you choose to do under God must be in line with what He chose for those that love Him.

The book of Romance 1:28-30 reveals that there are those who hate God. Haters of God aren’t those who do not have the knowledge of God. But they are those who chose not to retain God in their heart and God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Their problem is with the standard of God and his instructions.

Things God Expect From Those That Love Him

Obedient to God’s Word: John 14:20 – 21, John 14:15, 23, 24, John 15:10 You cannot love God and continue to live in disobedient to his word. You will long to please Him in everything, even when it is not convenient for you. He demands the kind of love that is complete. How committed are you to his teaching. It is enough to clap and jump, if you will do one more thing; obey Him. It takes obedient to God’s word to remain in His love.

“The Bible is not a to read book, it is not a to teach book, but it is a to do book.” There is nothing God is asking you to do that is burdensome. When you love God, you will see that whatever he is asking you to do is for your good. Keeping yourself for God is for your good.


Love one another: John 13:34/35, 1 John 4:19 - 21

Another key way is by showing love to one another. The church should be a place where everyone is somebody. No body can stop what God has for you. Stop hating people. If men controlled light, they would restrict many from it. But, there is a God that gives to all freely.

How can you love God but hate your wife? Or your husband? Do not curse what God has not cursed. Why do you say you love God but hate people even those who have not offended you in any way?

Love for God’s kingdom: When you love God, you will find yourself putting him first. Matthew 6:33. You will get involved in evangelism and win souls for the Kingdom of God.

Giving: Do not allow the cash crunch to be a problem. Do not let it stop you from giving. You cannot claim you love God if you cannot give to him.

You must love His House: you must not be coaxed to be in church. Do not allow someone to force you to be in church. The church is the devil’s greatest headache. It is the city of refuge for the saints (Obadiah 1:17), It is the place of power, a place of manifestation of Gods power.

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