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Naval Personnel Shoots and Kills Man for Failing to Stop at Checkpoint

A man identified as Majo Nwogu was shot dead by a naval personnel at a checkpoint along Umuezegwu – Mbawsi road in Isiala Ngwa North council area of Abia State. The naval personnel, attached to the Naval College of Administration and Finance in Owerri-Nta, shot Nwogu when he refused to stop his motorcycle at the checkpoint.

According to eyewitnesses, Nwogu was flagged down by the naval personnel but refused to stop, leading to an altercation. Angered by his actions, one of the naval personnel shot him in the back, and he was left lying in a pool of blood.

The Navy, however, claimed that Nwogu was invited for questioning over a case of tricycle theft reported against him at Umunkpeyi-Nvosi. They stated that he was shot while struggling with the gun of a naval personnel during the arrest.

Witnesses reported that the naval personnel had erected a barricade at the checkpoint, demanding that motorcycle riders disembark and trek through the barricade before continuing their journey. This has led to continued humiliation of riders who fail to comply.

After the shooting, the naval personnel allegedly asked other motorcycle riders to take Nwogu to the hospital before fleeing the scene. Despite efforts by sympathizers and kinsmen to get him medical attention, Nwogu died before reaching the hospital. His body was later deposited at an undisclosed morgue.

The Director of Naval Information, Rear Admiral Ayo-Vaughan, confirmed the incident and stated that investigations are ongoing to determine the circumstances that led to Nwogu's death. He assured the public that the Navy is committed to unraveling the truth behind the unfortunate incident.

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