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Beyond Pentecost To Sonship By Rev. Theodore Effiong

Rev. Amb. Theodore Effiong

Psalm 84:7, Rom.1:17, 2 Cor. 3:18
Note: The word “son” is none-gender, applying equally to mature sons and daughters of God. When God created “man” He created them “Male and Female.”
“There is… neither male nor female: for you are all one…” Galatians 3:28
Sons walk in Dominion.
The day God confers Sonship on you, the whole of your vicinity will know it. Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. Adam was the first son of God to walk on earth and that was why he had the power over creation, to name every plant and animal. That was why he always had angelic visitation and thereby operated in the God realm.
Moses operated in this realm and could speak to God face to face. He so much lived in God’s presence that God’s glory began to radiate from his face. Enoch operated in this God realm, Elijah did also. Children of God shout fire but, the Sons of God command fire.
Elisha also entered into this realm and could divide the river Jodan. In this age full of persecution and challenges what we need is not AK47 but the mantle of Sonship. Samuel could pray and God sent lightning and Thunder because he operated in the realm of sonship. The sons of God speak and Heaven obeys them. Heb. 2:10
God wants us to graduate from being a child, and come into the knowledge of sonship.
Many of God’s children will attain this position in this very hour. Because this is the beginning of the period of the restoration of all things. Galatians 4:1-7

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Scientist have discovered growing evidence that plants are capable of communication. Ted Farmer of the University of Lausanne discovered an almost entirely unrecognized way that plants transmit information – with electrical pulse. They don’t have eyes or ears. Or what we would call a nervous system. But plants can talk and they listen.
Saint Francis of Assisi (13th century) operated in this realm of sonship. He was a man full of compassion and was noted  for overflowing love to mankind, especially for those who were tempted, spiritually troubled nor depressed. Thomas of Celano, who wrote the first account of the life of Francis records 157 miracles. However, he is known for his love, affinity and closeness to nature, plants and mostly animal and he could communicate with them because he operated in the realm of sonship.

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God will bring many sons to manifestation of Glory. In this end time, God will raise many sons all over the earth. It is not all about title but the mantle of sonship. Many in the forefront will be relegated to the back because when the sons are manifested. 1 Corinthians 13:1
The whole earth awaits the manifestation of the SONS of God. Rom 8:19
1.       Children of God shout fire but, the Sons of God command fire.
2.       All Creation responds to Love
3.       You must love until you love your enemies and become Love.


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