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Rev. Amb. Theodore Effiong |
We are living in a generation that things are really getting out of hand. If you on social media, you will know that the rate at which men of God are being caught in immorality has been on the increase. An 8 years old boy once confessed having intercourse with three persons; her younger sister, her cousin and a pupil in his school. It’s becoming out of hand and alarming.
A woman once called a man of God to say he saw her kids 11 and 7 years sleeping with each other and asked for remedy. What is really happening, what is the madness, Satan has gone to another dimension. I spoke with a man of God after having a revelation about him, he opened up and told me how after delivering a possessed girl, he fell into the hands of her mother whom he called to know how she was doing only for her to tell him she was lonely and watching pornography, he visited her and that was the beginning of his problems but by God’s grace God is helping him to come out.
A pastor son came to me asking for financial help I told him I was having financial challenges, he told me that if I can’t help him then he will go to the world, according to him a woman he approached for help asked him to have s3x with her first. That is the level of wickedness in the world, it is not just men but women are involved in this.
One of the reasons why things are getting to another dimension is because of the issue of pornography and there are over 28million pornographic websites and if you think it’s business as usual and that all out children don’t know what is happening, you will be shocked at the extent this has gone to, it has gone viral. That is why in Europe they have what they call s3x education where they start to teach children from the age of 5 how to wear condom. Don’t say it can never come to Nigeria, there is a demonic spirit that have entered our generation, but my prayer for everyone is that you will never become captive to that demon and every battle he is fighting against your life receive victory in Jesus name.
Unfortunately, it is said that 75% of all born again men are addicted to pornography including pastor’s and they say 25% of all women are also addicted. But, I came across something that marveled me, it was also said that as far as Nigeria is concerned, last year it was discovered that women entered into pornographic sites in Nigeria more than men, this is fearful and alarming. We can all be putting up as being holy, but a day is coming we shall know who is or who is not holy. My prayer for you is this; may you make it in Jesus name.
The scriptures above talks about God redeeming us out from the hand of the bondmen its not only men that are fighting to come out from the hands of bondwomen, women also a fighting to come out from the hands of bondmen.
The scripture talks about Abraham the father of faith the man with a great destiny to be the father of the nation of Israel and to be the father of faith to all that belief, he had such a glorious destiny but the devil did not fear the destiny that he was carrying. The devil landed him with a bond woman, the bible calls Haggar a bondwoman seven (7) times and there is a reason the bible calls her the bondwoman. Abraham found himself in a very strong soul time according to the scriptures for fourteen (14) years. When you study the bible, for fourteen years, the man who raises altars everywhere didn’t raise an altar for fourteen years, he lost his consecration and prayer life because for fourteen years he was busy going in and out of a young girl called Haggar and the soul tie became so strong, it actually took two attempts for Abraham to break the soul time. The first time in Genesis chapter 16, Haggar by herself left the house maybe out of guilt or whatever, but the soul tie was so strong that she went back to the house. If you have been struggling and trying to get loosed from that bondman or bondwoman, grace is coming to you to be free forever.
The second time it was the wife of Abraham who confronted him and said; my husband this strange girl must go. I pray for every strange girl in every mans house, they shall go by fire, may the fire of the Lord Scatter every strange boy or girl out of our homes in Jesus name.
You wonder why church is becoming very difficult, you wonder why the zeal of the Lord is no more as before, brethren there is a giant we are dealing with but as David was able to throw down Goliath, we through down that giant in the name of Jesus.
It was so painful for Abraham, the bible said that even after Sarah spoke to Abraham, he was not willing to let go of Haggar that God himself had to come down by himself and urged him to listen to what his wife was telling him and the bible says that the thing grieved Abraham. It is easier to cut the flesh, painful as it is to pick up a knife and cut the flesh, this one was cutting beyond the flesh into the soul. The soul tie which is deeper than the flesh, that is why it’s called a wedlock, tying the knot or your soul mate. Soul tie because there is a bonding n the original of God’s pattern, and when that bonding takes place and you are faithful as husband and wife before you know it what is inside the husband flows into the wife and vise versa and before you know it you begin to think alike, look alike, talk alike and behave alike.
But Satan doesn’t want you to be bonded to your spouse, Satan wants you to be bonded to a bondman or a bondwoman.
Genesis 2:24 says; “For this reason, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife”
The word cleave means shall be glued, shall be gummed or cemented because in the heavenly bonding, there is a glue that enters from heave and makes the two one flesh.
In Genesis 34:2 and 3 Shechem after sleeping with Diana said his soul has cleaved unto her. His soul was bounded to Diana. If you put a scourge tape on a woolen cloth, when you pool the scourge tape off, you will find pieces of wool on the tape. That is what happens when a man has intercourse with different women, every s3xual relationship that is not your husband or your wife, pieces of that person’s soul is being fragmented and pulled out and pieces of your own soul is being fragmented and pulled out too. If you have been jumping from one man to another or one woman to another, you are not complete, you are fragmented.
Proverbs 6:32 says; “Whosoever committed adultery with a woman is not wise, he destroys his soul”
Repeated use of same plaster on different parts of the body makes the plaster to lose it ability to stick to the body because the glue has been weakened. When you see marriages, which cannot last one month or even 2 years, its because they had lost their glue before they even got married. When a husband and a wife can no longer stay together or stick together, somebody has tampered with the glue in their life. May God release a new gum into your marriage in Jesus name.
The devil always try to get men and target men with great destiny, another man the devil targeted was David, during the time that kings do go for war, David stayed at home and the Bible says in 2 Samuel 11:1 and 2 as he looked out he saw a beautiful miss universe candidate Bathsheba, she knew all the men had gone to war, she knew it was only the king who stayed back. David did not only fall into adultery, Bathsheba also was playing her card, that was why even when he fell with Bathsheba and just touched her, she never rebuked or resist him. Every Bathsheba that is looking for your downfall in your office, where ever, receive victory in the name of Jesus. It is not the first sight that is the problem, you cannot avoid it, it is the second sight that always kill a man, the third sight is no more called sight, it’s called pornography.
In Genesis 3:6, the bible says that when Eve saw that the fruit was pleasant to her eyes, she desired it and she took it and she ate it, so there is a progression; you see the pleasure and the desire that is lost, you take it and you eat it and what was the end of it? They died. Every progression that the enemy may have caught you in one way or the other is aborted in Jesus name.
In Matthew 5:28 and 29, Jesus says; “whosoever looketh on a woman with lost has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
So, brothers and sisters if you have been captured by pornography, the Bible calls it immorality you have already committed immorality. And the scripture encourage that we plug out even if it be our right eye that offends us, it is profitable to go to heaven with one eye rather than go to hell whole. It is a progression, it begins by looking, after looking is lost after lost is the act and after the act is hell fire.
Pornography is addictive, Proverbs 27:20 says; “The eyes of man can never be satisfied”
According to medical practitioners allowing pornography in one’s life triggers a chemical in your brain called “Dopamine.” Dopamine is the same chemical hormone that operates when somebody sniffs cocaine. Dopamine is the hormone that is responsible for pleasure or ecstasy. And the more your sniff the cocaine the ecstasy increases and you want the more, but there is something about the human body that God has naturally placed in us, when the Dopamine is released, the body will naturally start to short down on the amount of Dopamine being released every time. The drug addicts increase the cocaine in order to achieve same level of ecstasy, they become addicted until it kills them. It is the same thing with pornography, the same chemical is released in your brain and before you know it that chemical will be reduced in your body and for you to have the same pleasure you were having before, you will have to increase the volume of the depravity of the pornography and before you know it takes over your life and becomes addictive.
Pornography pushes someone into another wicked act called masturbation. In Gal. 5:19 to 21, the bible list all the works of the flesh including lasciviousness which is lost and uncleanness which is also masturbation. In case you do not belief, it adds at the end a phrase “and such like” that includes every acts of perversion and it also adds there “And those who do such things, there shall not inherit the kingdom of God”
You may be a chorister, a man of God or whatever you think you need the mercy of God. Don’t look at this message as though it is insignificant, it is very significant.
You need to be purged to enter into the realm of the glory of God which is about to come on the church, in the under the anointing, the gift of God is without repentance so a man will live in immorality and still stand to preach and the anointing moves, but the realm of the Glory of God are for those who are pure in heart.
I pray that God will deliver you from the bondmen and bondwomen and deliver your home in Jesus name.
Remain rapturable!