"Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before me forever.’ But now the Lord says: ‘Far be it from me; for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed." 1Samuel 2:30.
The Trump-Biden presidential election that raged since early November 2020, managed to die down few days ago in the USA. Back here in Africa with little or no true democracy, however, the inferno is still raging. Attacks and counter attacks at and around President Trump go on over his erstwhile adamant position on the electoral outcomes.
Another set of victims in the attacks are Christians and men of God who either sympathized with Trump or predicted that he 'must' return for a second term. With the congressional outcome few days ago, pro-Biden commentators think Trump has finally "gone down", not only disgracefully and disappointingly, but along with all who saw him as the Church's Messiah.
If anything, I think the entire episode is a huge distraction for anybody who is gainfully busy. But because the name of the Lord has been dragged into this mockery, permit me to lend a comment.
First of all, we need to be objective in our attitude - sidding neither Trump nor Biden. If we must be biased at all, we should stand with God, whose council alone will ultimately stand. We must also appreciate that the battle was more than just Trump-Biden struggle, it was a battle between unseen forces in the spirit realm (Ephesians 6:12). In this approach, we will see a number of reasons why pro-Trump sympathizers seem to have a point. Consider a few issues:
1. If Trump was really understood, he never ever sounded like holding on to power against all odds. Rather, he was asking for electoral transparency, whether for or against himself. In fairness to the facts, earlier results in swing states, affidavits by thousands of electoral officers on how they were pressured to manipulate electoral processes, records of several electoral deceased people who voted, and several electoral abberations across the states, should convince young Africans to admit that something definitely went wrong somewhere, no matter their personal grudges against Trump.
2. A commentator observed recently that it's disturbing why young Africans should preoccupy themselves with matters of another continent while theirs is decaying with unimaginable atrocities. Young Africans, who tout themselves around as tomorrow's leaders, should bother more about the utopian Africa of their time than worry about affairs of a hear-say continent.
3. African youths are demonstrating consistently that they are like a piece of waterproof in the winds, with neither aim nor direction in their judgments. They booted President Jonathan out of office as the world's worst leader, because they wanted Rtd Gen Mohammadu Buhari as their undisputable messiah. Today, some 5 years down the line, we all know better, especially because the encomiums have been reversed. Similarly, it's not surprising that Biden is offering us a new face, new voice and new everything. But we are watching for what he will offer 6 month from now. By God's grace, his praise-singers will live long enough to tell us the difference between his administration and their much-hated Trump's.
4. There were no lies or falsehood about the prophetic declarations that Trump would emerge as a winner in that fraudulent election. Rather, we must understand that prophecies are conditional, and that their declarations are based on the state of the people at that moment of prophecy, that is, relative to their position in God. If after the prophecy has been declared the people shift in their relationship, God may be forced to withdraw or cancel that promise - and there would be no lie about it whatsoever!
Jewish history reveals severally that God can withdraw or cancel prophecy, no matter it's certainty or the genuineness of the prophet's credentials. God can return death after he has first promised life (Ezekiel 33:12-16); he can approve monarchy for theocracy in answer to the people's wish (1Samuel 8). He can give them meat, should they become tired of his manna for them (Numbers 11). But whatever follows after the people's wish has been granted, is an entirely different matter. God will still be God Almighty.
All this said, we need to set the records straight. Donald Trump came to power at all, and against all the odds, in answer to American people's cry from many quarters for God's mercy on their nation. True to his mission, President Trump proved that he was indeed America's "last" TRUMPet from God, although not without stepping on big toes. He frustrated many huge and multi-billion dollar businesses that thrived in abortion, sabotage and profiting from robbing the poor.
Now the American Establishment may have successfully edged Trump out of office, but the bad news is that America hasn't just rejected Trump, but also God himself, whom they claim to trust on their dollar! This isn't bigotry, gullibility or sentiments. It is prophecy. The dark days ahead for American subcontinent will prove it. And, by God's grace, we shall still be around to watch and compare notes.
Meanwhile, God is coming down to Africa in his last and greatest move among the nations. We need young Africans endued with prophetic and discernment gifts - who have not been bewitched or brainwashed by the manipulations and intrigues of Masonic journalism - to step forward and lead the world into this all-impacting manifestation. Holding that in view leaves us with no time to glean social media or parrot whatever Masonic media feeds us with in the guise of truth or facts.
Would you love to be part of that end time move of God? Then go and wait for the Lord at the altar, and stop being fooled by media gimmicks and propaganda. Africa has slept for too long under the crippling melody of Western lullaby! It's time to wakes up and stand tallest in the Spirit!
Are you still here? God help you.