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Healing Balm By Rev. Joseph Ajor Ph.D

Rev. Joseph Ajor (Ph.D)

In the book of Jeremiah the passage was majorly filled with the problems of Israel. The children of Israel had backslidden, so God afflicted them with so many issues, but Jeremiah was sent by God to bring restoration back to them.

Text: Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11

Most of the times, we feel that we are not doing what we are expected to do, or we have not attained a height we are expected to attain, but we fail to understand that we may have done some things which God is not pleased with, that may be hindering our prayers from being answered. That was why in the bible God said “if my people who are called by my name shall humble their selves and call upon me I will hear them from heaven. Most times we may have done things wrongly unconsciously but if we acknowledge our sins and confess before God he will forgive our sins.

There are steps to follow before we can get our healing from God.  The devil cannot defeat anyone except you accept defeat.

Many times we find ourselves in situations where we wonder if God still hears, or listens to us, but God is telling us today that he is willing to heal us.

God does not want his children to be worried about anything that is why he said in his words “come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” before now he knew that pressures will arise and he wants to control all our endeavors and give us rest.

Divine healing is found only in God, the children of Israel sought for it outside God. They depended on the gods of the Philistines, and other strange gods. Yet, healing was not found there. 

Like it is in our days, many have wondered away to different places in search of miracles and healing. And have forgotten that that all we desire has been made available by God for us.

May God help us to depend on him totally for divine healing in Jesus Name.


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