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Health Commissioner Quickly Intervenes As Heavy Rainstorm Disrupts Activities In postnatal ward of General Hospital Calabar


Calabar the State Capital of Cross River State had a heavy down pour that came with massive storm and heavy wind, which lasted for over 4hrs causing  severe havoc and damages at the State's General Hospital located at Mary Slessor Calabar. Amongst the very numerous damages that the rain caused so far as vehicular movement was disrupted, trees and electric pools broken down, roofs pulled off and several buildings destroyed, General Hospital Calabar felt the touch for the first time.

The rains as a result of the heavy storm didn't only divert the heavy flood of the rain into the Post Natal Ward but also led to the vandalization of the windows at the Theatre Ward as well as pulling of the roofs of most offices/Wards. Activities In the Hospital were disrupted and the attention of the Honorable Commissioner for Health Dr Betta Edu was quickly called and in her usual way, she quickly ran out of her weekly Church Service to protect lives and intervene.

Dr Edu who arrived the Hospital few minutes after the incident expressed her dissatisfaction towards the sad occurrence as she noted that it was as a result of the heavy down pour which did not spare the entire State Capital as major damages have so far been recorded. "I must confess that this is a very sad and unfortunate situation as the rains came along with a heavy storm and wind causing major damages across the facility and the town. We've never had any case of flooding in General Hospital so today's incident I must say is the first of its kind and we regret every inconveniences this might have caused our patients.

"Most disturbing is the fact that mothers who just put to birth have  being disturbed as a result of this incident, even though it's a natural phenomenon, as a State we'll ensure proper renovation as the number of windows affected. windows will be changed and extended nets introduced and all affected roofs changed tomorrow morning .

"We'll as well look into improving the attitude of our health workers as attitudes remains key to everything and health workers are responsible to offer this quality services to patients as they owe it as a duty to them. We'll therefore carryout more engagement, sanctions, incentives and seminars/workshops to ensure their capacity is built. This post natal ward was actually renovated by MTN 2yrs ago and everything here was of standard until this heavy down pour so now that we've been able to know areas that needs immediate repairs am assuring you that at first thing today everything where will be fixed as the health and safety of every Cross Riverian remains the priority of Sen Prof Ben Ayade."

Dr Edu sympathized with the victims as she went round all the Wards to console everyone affected, assured them of more quality services stating that there's a great need to win clients confidence especially now that the State Health Insurance Scheme enrollment has commenced. She supported the over 20 women/mothers and their babies with a huge cash donation as well as relief materials to cover for their loss and charged the Medical Superintendent Dr Kumar to ensure that fixers gets to work at first light. 

One of the women who just put to birth Mrs Lucy Etta commended the proactive and speedy responses of the Commissioner as her coming out as late as this to come check on their condition after the incident is a clear indication that she's a leader who has kept her people's interest first before hers. "Am shocked that this lady left her Church program to come check on our welfare, we haven't had it this good as outside this ugly incident which is only but natural, I must confess that the services offered us here is a many times different from what this hospital has been known for. Most persons stopped accessing care here but today majority of Cross Riverians now come here for medical services as a lot has changed and the hospital is wearing a new look, you can see almost 17 women here who just delivered through CS. this shows that both the Governor and his Health Commissioner truly knows what they're doing and takes life to be of great importance. I commend her for putting us first and God will truly bless her especially for the financial support given to over 20 of us as well as some relief materials too.

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