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Do You Want Him To Propose? Avoid This Things

Man proposing

By Miracle Ifeanyi

As a lady, Just be yourself and remain who you are. Avoid every artificial life or unnecessary packaging.

What will be will be.

If you have not discovered yourself, a man may not see the relevance in you and may not be moved to propose.

Every man needs a woman to be sharp but not a woman without character and vision.

How do you want him to propose when you have accepted and played all the roles of a wife in a relationship. (He won't propose).

What energizes a man to propose is what he wishes to see not what he has seen. A man who has seen it all gradually becomes reluctant and will not propose to you.

When you say "I have done everything yet he doesn't want to propose."

It simply means that you have shown him everything before the right time, and that is the problem.

Use your tongue and count your teeth.

Courtship should be a place of discovery and not availability. If you want him to propose, don't live together before marriage.

When a man has all it takes to propose but he chose to keep you as a girlfriend, it means you have no future with him.

How do you expect him to propose when your meeting points are different hotels, sit-outs or clubs. A man who can't take you home is not proud of you and he won't propose.

One thing you need to know as a lady is that your clothes, braziers, pants, you left in his bathroom, will not make him propose.

He sees it as desperation.

Please, place Value on womanhood.

Some men see the question "When are you going to meet my parents?" as desperation. 

Date with wisdom and maturity.

Remember, your "character" is a mirror that a man will use to see the woman in you.

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