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Nigerians, Behold Your Leader; He Is The Man For This Job

Mr. Peter Obi

SEUN: Mr, Peter obi. Atiku said so many things about you, he said it will take a miracle for you to win the election, what's your take on that?

OBI: well, my Political journey has been a miracle. So many things have happened in my life that people never thought would be possible. In 2003, I contested for the Anambra Governorship election under a party that was just one year old, people said it will take a miracle for me to win the election that year, but I Won.

Six months later, I was impeached. I challenged the impeachment in court, people said it will impossible for me to come back to Office, that no governor has ever come back to the office after impeachment, they said it will take a miracle for me to win the case in court, I won the case.

I came back to the office and in 2007, an election was conducted and Andy Uba was declared the winner. I went to court again to seek the interpretation of our laws, I told the court that the tenure of a Governor is Four years and I should be allowed to finish my tenure, people said it will take a miracle for me to win that case, I won.

So my Political journey has been like a miracle and I'm waiting for the bigger miracle to happen in 2023. That's my response to Atiku's statement.

SUEN: All right, Atiku said that 90% of northerners are not on social media, so he is not bothered about your popularity online. What's your take on that?

OBI: Well, that's the problem I'm coming to solve as the Nigerian President. I have said it before that the north will be our new oil, I will convert that population to wealth through Production. I will invest in education so that those who don't know how to operate the internet in the north, will learn how it is done. The north is our new oil.

SEUN: All right, maybe I should stop talking about what Atiku said and go into other topics but before I do that, I will like to ask you this question. Atiku said you didn't inform him when you left the PDP, is that true?

OBI: Yes, it is true.

SEUN: Why didn't you inform him? As his former running mate, many expected you to inform your former boss before taking that decision.

OBI: You see Seun, a time will come in a man's life, where he will decide to take a very Strong decision about his life and his people, without informing those who are likely to tell him not to take such a decision. I have so many important people in my life that I didn't tell that I was going to leave PDP, I didn't even tell my family at that time. I took that decision because it is the best thing to do and I didn't want anybody to distract me.

Remember when I left, I told Nigerians that I rather lose doing the right thing, than win doing the wrong thing.

SEUN; How will your security plan be like?

OBI: it will be immediate and decisive.

I will pull people out of poverty, it has been proven that the more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce crime., I will invest in education and military manpower. All options will be on the table.


Dear Nigerians, behold your leader. He is the man for this job.

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