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Suspected Cultist Arrested for Killing Two in Rivers State

The Rivers State Police Command has arrested a suspected cultist, Samuel Nwokoma, allegedly involved in multiple killings and armed robberies in the Diobu axis of Port Harcourt and other parts of the state.

Nwokoma, 25, and his gang are believed to be responsible for the deaths of two individuals in Diobu, Port Harcourt, between March 14 and 17, 2024. The victims were identified as Ede Sunday, 32, and George Johnson, 28.

According to Grace Iringe-Koko, the spokesperson for the command, Nwokoma was apprehended following credible intelligence and a joint operation with the local vigilante group. The raid on the gang's hideout led to the recovery of several weapons and ammunition.

The recovered items include three AK-47 rifles, one assault rifle, six AK-47 magazines, one Beretta pistol, and various types of ammunition and explosives.

Despite immediate medical attention, George Johnson succumbed to his injuries. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the remaining gang members who fled the scene and to bring them to justice.

The Rivers State Police Command assures the public of its commitment to combating violent crimes and ensuring public safety in the state.

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