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I Will Overturn! Overturn!! Overturn!!! - Deac. Engr. Godwin Akeke

There are always people waiting to stop the prophecy of God upon your life but as a child of God, you should have the confidence that the prophecy of God on your life will always come to pass. This prophecy doesn’t come to pass on the account of your power or strength but on the account of the grace and power of God that will overturn it.

TEXT: Eze 21:19-27, Isa 7:6-7, Job 5:12

Overturning means changing the aura of a man, changing the situation of things, collapsing some structures etc. God doesn’t just overturn things but he gives it to the rightful owner at all times.

In Isaiah, the enemies ganged up against Judah but the bible recorded that God assured them that it would not stand. 

“Though they may gather” but be rest assured in the word of God that says it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass. In Genesis 10, the bible recorded that household wickedness ganged up against Joseph to bring him down. Everything they made him pass through, God brought him out and everything he passed through was a training ground for the things God had ahead of him.

Those who look down on you in your moments of trouble will be nowhere to be found in the hour of your celebration. Looking at the case of Hannah where it looked as if all hope was lost but she didn’t give up. She took the gear of fasting and when it looked like it wasn’t working, she turned to worship and praise and even entered into a covenant with God at the end of it all, the child God gave her turned out to be more than the other children her contemporaries had. If a particular measure you are taking to your breakthrough seems like it is not working, try out other measures and see if God will not come through for you.


1) Believe that the battle is not your own

2) Continue to work for God - Whatever situation you find yourself in shouldn’t make you give up on your services to God. 

3) Continue to serve through giving, seed sowing and sacrifices.

Your services to God are not to make God God but to be a judgement of your enemies when the time comes. 

Compiled By: Precious Bassey

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