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2 Timothy 4:1 5

Evangelism is simply the act of advertising Jesus.  The peak of anything is its highest part, it can also be seen as the important aspect of anything. God is looking for the available ones to use, not just the youth.
What are this important parts neglected by believers yet very important;

1. Gospel according to our lives must always precede gospel according to our lips; some believers don’t live by the gospel they preach, “let your life so shine before men…”
2. Receiving so much but giving out little, the best aspect of evangelism is to give out instead of always receiving. What you receive dies with you but what you give out lives for eternity. They are people who need to hear you talk to them. Some say they cant talk in public others say they are not the pastor but God is not interested in your excuses in the last days.

3. When we measure our growth by the numbers of people who are being saved than by the amount of money made in every program.
4. The peak of evangelism is when we voluntarily go for souls and being compelled to do so, when we nurture new believers till they can stand. The peak of evangelism is winning souls for Christ.

5. It is bringing your children to Christ rather than criticizing other people outside.
6. Its not concentrating on your programs  and personal interest alone but preaching the gospel. 
7. Its not all about watching pornographic pictures online or congratulating people without having time for preaching the gospel online.

When you love being served instead of serving others that is not evangelism.
If we don’t deceive customers, or fight in outdoor programs, if we can handle or settle matters in church without siding any wrong, that is the true evangelism we need.

If your family members cannot testify well about your life, then you are not qualified to do the work of an evangelist

Two things we need for effective evangelism.
1. Do we have assurance of salvation? The confidence we have that we are free in Christ. As you sinner, you cannot preach to a sinner, only when you give your life to Christ can you preach to others. It’s beyond playing church.

2. Baptism of the Holy Spirit; it is the outpouring of the holy spirit on the believer which empowers him for service. All who did service for God where filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter was an example, he was silenced by a little girl, but could stand to convert three thousand (3000) when the power of the Holy Spirit came on him.
Beyond just preaching, we need the power of the Holy Spirit. The disciples had boldness to preach when they received the Holy Ghost (Acts Acts 4:8, 4:31)

Rather than evangelizing through words only, the Holy Spirit sometimes uses miracles to convince unbelievers. Paul reminded the Corinthians of this when he says “My speech and my preaching were not in persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and the Power” (1 Corinthians 2:4)

May we receive the Power for Evangelism (The Holy Spirit) in Jesus Name - Amen

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