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Why Senator Gershom Bassey?

Senator Gershom Bassey

Numerous reasons why SGB is the BEST MAN STANDING and MOST QUALIFIED to be the NEXT GOVERNOR of our dear State.

Distinguished Senator Gershom Bassey has been and remains a steadfast PDP family member from beginning till date!

SGB has sacrificed the MOST for the party to the point of selling his property in the UK to develop the party in Cross River State. This is the height of selflessness which should not be forgotten. 

As one of the three Architects of the developmental framework for a GREAT Cross River State, he has remained proactive in seeing to sustainable economic, political and socio-cultural empowerment of the state at large.!

SGB has always been there for the party through thick and thin from 1998 and has been instrumental to the emergence of all the key political players at whatever level to date. Evidence abounds.

SGB has been working assiduously and effectively behind all the past state Governors from HE Clement Ebri to date.

As the Chairman of the Strategic Policy and Advisory Council SPAC which was the Engine Room of The HE Liyel Imoke ‘s Administration, he was instrumental to all the giant strides of that Administration which attracted the World Bank and numerous International Development partners into CRS.

When he manned CRS Water Board, there was water from Bakassi to Obanliku.

Now as the Senator of the FRN, our Distinguished Senator Gershom Bassey because of his performance in the Red Chamber.

SGB has single-handedly sponsored 28 Bills

Co-sponsor 17 Bills;


SGB has singlehandedly moved 16 motions and co-sponsor 42 Motions;

He is a member of 26 Senate ad-hoc Committees and 18 Standing Committees including the ECOWAS parliament and the Nigeria Morocco Alliance Committee.

is currently ranked as the 4th best performing Senator in Nigeria, and the BEST Representative in CRS.  Could he have earned that ranking for nothing,?NAY!!! Do we appreciate him? NO.

E get why.

In terms of empowerment, please let me enlighten us on just a few verifiable reaches by our own Senator:

1.  6O youths employed in various MDAs at both federal and state levels 

2. 15 Resolutions and Reinstatement of constituents to employments through SGB’s petition mechanism;

3. 3OO constituents trained and empowered with modern Vulcanizing machines;

4. 3OO youths trained in Solar installations and maintenance;

5.  2O youths trained and certified in International Sub-Sea underwater Electrical and wielding skills;

6. 3OO constituents trained in various entrepreneurial skills;

7.  1OO Mini Buses gifted to the various group for business to eke livelihood;

8. 2O 18 &32 Seater Buses donated to groups for commercial purposes;

9.  5O foreign and local postgraduate students granted scholarships by SGB.

1O. 1OOO women and youths were given cash donations to aid their SMEs.

Recently he has empowered communities, political actors and constituents with bus in great numbers; Tricycles; Motorbikes for economic purposes and ease of movement in difficult terrains.

These are just a few of what The Distinguished Sen. Gershom Bassey has done and still counting. 

Yes! He does not pose for pictures because he believes in no NOISE. He believes very much in human capital development (sustainable) and not just giving fish to the hungry. 

If we look well, we should wholeheartedly appreciate our own Senator Gershom Bassey, rather than gambling with some narcissistic Aspirants.

If we have the interest of our dear State at heart, we will agree that 2O23 is not for gambling, it’s not for the novice and it’s not for who does not know the road.

2O23 is for the EXPERIENCED; the TRIED; the TRUSTED; the SELFLESS; the ABLE and Who the Governorship CAP fits. The Distinguished Senator Gershom Bassey SGB has EXCELLED beyond imagination at the SENATE of the FRN.


SGB 2O23 is a GOAL!

Researched by :

Patricia Endeley 4 SGB 2O23.

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