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We Need Effective Representation And Not Promise Filled Manifestoes - Emana Duke Amawhe

Emana Duke Campaign Poster

By Oluchi Omai

The leading House of Representative aspirant for the Akpabuyo, Bakassi and Calabar South Federal Constituency, Lady Emana Duke Amawhe has said that the constituency needs effective representation and not promise filled manifestoes.

While addressing the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP leaders and delegates in Calabar South, the erudite broadcaster revealed that the constituency is tired of manifestoes filled with empty promises. And as such only needs effective representation. Which she believes will put an end to the challenges of the constituency.

She said, “This election we are going for is not the one I will be reading out manifesto only, what I will or will not be doing. They are good, but this election is for effective representation.”

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Emana further revealed that some politicians have used poverty as a tool against those who elected them.

forgetting that they are in power because time and chance happened to them.

Recalling her experience at Akpabuyo, Emana said that one of the culprits who attacked her had his legs crushed by a truck while the other was arrested by military men with a human head. 

"Those who use them are never arrested" She added.

The renowned broadcaster pointed out that her desire is to represent her people and stand up for them, and not to use them for her personal interest.

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She said, "representation is having someone who goes to get something that belongs to a group of people, who also delivers the same to the people."

"My mandate is to deliver to the constituency what belongs to them" she added.

She also pointed out that for effective representation, every politician needs to have another source of income and not solely depend on proceeds from politics. 

Furthermore, she noted that for an effective representative, the constituency needs one who has self recognisance. 

"We need a representative that has what we call self recognisance. Someone who can stand without fear." She said.

"That is how I will stand and represent the good people of Akpabuyo, Bakassi and Calabar South Federal Constituency." She added.

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Finally, she advised the delegates to think about their children when making choices of leaders. She also added that it has impacts in years to come.

"I didn't come because I have nothing to eat, I came because everyone has the right to live and I will give my people their rights by representing them well." She said.

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